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Jessica and Chelsea Chamberlain

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Jessica and Chelsea Chamberlain @cycling4starlight


We are stepping outside our comfort zone in a effort to raise funds and awareness of the Starlight Foundation by cycling for 24hours on our indoor trainers. We will be doing this on the 19th-20th May. You can follow our preparation, training and of course the main event via our Instagram account @cycling4starlight We thank you for your very kind support for this very special cause. Chelsea & Jessie xx

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Starlight Children's Foundation

The Starlight Children’s Foundation transforms the experience of hospitalisation and treatment for seriously ill children and their families - Starlight  is the only children’s charity with a permanent, physical presence in every major paediatric hospital in the country.

Every minute of every day a child is admitted to hospital in Australia. For thousands of these children what happens next is the diagnosis of a serious or chronic illness that changes their life, and the lives of their families, forever.

This is where Starlight steps in - delivering a range of innovative programs, built on the World Health Organisation’s social model of health, to support the well-being and resilience of these seriously ill children and their families.

Starlight programs are integral to the total care of seriously ill children - while the health professionals focus on treating the illness, Starlight is there to lift the spirits of the child - giving them the opportunity to laugh and play and be a child again.

For more information on Starlight, visit or call 1300 727 827.

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